Saturday, December 10, 2011


I had the strangest dream last night. Well now, the whole thing seems kind of muddy, but there are parts that I remember clearly. I must say though, that this is probably the best dream I've ever had.

So the whole thing started off in a plane. I didn't know anybody in there except for my parents and brothers. The plane landed at this mansion. We walked into the center of the mansion with all of the other people on the plane into this grand garden were there was some kind of ceremony. I said something to my mom ( I cannot remember what it was), them my mom asked the same thing to another lady (who was wearing victorian clothing like everyone else there),and she directed me to a room.
When I stepped into the room there were many doors. They all said something on them, but the only one that I remember was the one that said, "to hell". Curiosity took me, and I opened the door. The opening was black and white question marks floated inside of it. The door tried to suck me in it but I hurried to close the door before it took me. after that the room started turning red, so I ran out of the room.
I ran to a room down the hall where there were more ladies with victorian dresses, my mom was with them, but in her regular clothes. I told them that it might have been the wrong room, and they told me no, it was the right one, then they made some comment about me being fat and that I need to be skinnier. After that, another lady took me to the same room.
This time the room was completely tinted red, and the door that used to say, "to hell", now said, "to skinny". I opened the door one more time and I saw the same black space with white floating question marks trying to suck me in. This time the door shut on itself, and the room was getting smaller, so I ran out. When I went out, I was in the hallway, and when I looked out the window, I saw everybody getting in the plane again, so I ran out to get in the plane before it left me. I sat with my family, everyone silent.
Suddenly, we were at some island, or battleground, it looked like a mix of both. It seemed like we were on top of some fort. Everybody was sitting on the floor while there was this person talking to them (maybe telling a story). I remember looking around at all the people, and seeing a girl that I was suddenly attracted to. I tried to call my mom's attention, but she ignored me. When she finally reacted, she said something like, "no Sam, you were fucking some lesbian in that room weren't you? You're a lesbian aren't you? Lesbian!". "What are you talking about???!! I wasn't having sex with anyone!!", I replied. "Yes you were, don't play stupid," She wasn't going to believe me.
From there, I walked inside some other room, which didn't match the dilapidated fort that we were once in. The room was fancy, classic, and full of men in tuxedo's. I looked in the mirror, and I too, was a man. Another guy, in a moustache came up to me, and started talking about women, making me excited, telling me that there is a room of women in bed waiting for me. I jumped at the offer, and said that I'll be on my way over there. Then he gave me some tips to use with them. I accepted, then went off to the room.
The place was full of women, just like he told me. They were all half naked, playing pillow fight, then they started to play with me. I was still a man.
Then suddenly I was out in the dilapidated fort, then I turned around to see me, through a window, the man version of myself having sex with all of the women inside that room. From there, helicopters and planes started to shoot at us from above. The fort turned into a war zone and we ran to get out. The fort was collapsing and people started dying. The airplane was waiting for us, and when I got inside, my dream ended and I woke up.

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